Elementor #5487

Elementor #5487

Tummy Tuck in Woodstock, Georgia

Elementor #5487

About Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck in Woodstock, Georgia

A tummy tuck in Woodstock, Georgia is a major surgical procedure that eliminates excess skin and loose tissue from the stomach and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall.
Many individuals find that even with a rigorous diet and exercise, they cannot get rid of the extra skin and often the stubborn protrusion, or “pooch,” of the stomach. It is also ideal for women who no longer wish to have further pregnancies.



Loose muscles
Excess skin
Unwanted stomach fat


A tummy tuck in Woodstock, Georgia is ideally for men or women with excess abdominal fat or loose skin around their stomach and those who are in good overall general health and nonsmokers. It is also ideal for women who no longer wish to have further pregnancies.


Approximately 3 hours

Expert Care

Dr. Steven H. Bailey is a board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience in the Atlanta Metropolitan area.
He is well-trained in all aspects of cosmetic plastic surgery. He now focuses his plastic surgery and med spa center in Woodstock, Georgia on procedures of the body and face to maximize results.

Will it hurt? Will I be in pain?

Before a tummy tuck in Woodstock, Georgia, a trained anesthesiologist will confirm the patient is unconscious to ensure safety and comfortability throughout the procedure.
Patients are unable to feel any pain during the surgery. After the procedure, a compression bandage may be applied to the incisions to minimize swelling and discomfort. Although, during the following week, the patient’s abdomen may feel sore as the muscles are tightening.

The Recovery Process

Walking may be difficult the first few days, and the stomach will feel swollen. A compression garment is worn for six weeks, but people can usually return to a desk job after approximately a week.
We encourage light physical activity, such as walking, after a week. Patients are restricted from full physical exercise such as aerobics, running, or weightlifting for at least eight weeks. The scars will usually begin to fade after 9 to12 months with the help of scar cream and time.
Emsculpt NEO

Non-Surgical Alternative

Emsculpt NEO is an alternative, non-surgical treatment option for eliminating unwanted fat.

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